Featured Workshops


”As part of Mary McDowell Friends School’s commitment to providing a “a diverse and antiracist community in which all students can reach their full potential,” we brought Jenna in for a week-long anti-racism residency. Over the course of the week, she provided professional development workshops for our full faculty and staff as well as meeting with individual teachers and teams. She also offered a very successful workshop for parents. Jenna is back again this year to continue engaging our faculty and staff on ways to be both alert to and prepared for the things that get in the way of equity; she also continues to support our white antiracist affinity group. Jenna understands our mission, and is helping us set goals and take action to reach them.” - Tatesha Clark, Assistant Head for DEI and Beth Schneider, Associate Head at Mary McDowell Friends School

Supporting Equitable Excellence

Now that we have had the professional development, what does that look like in practice? After delivering professional development, Jenna can offer continued support to your institution with it’s implementation of equity based practices. Whether organizations are readying themselves to begin new diversity initiatives, or needing support for an already stretched thin equity team, Jenna can support effective and timely outcomes. This, like all contracted work, is tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization. 


Racial affinity spaces have been effective in providing learning opportunities for people to discuss racial identity and racial literacy. Together with Jenna Chandler-Ward and Liza Talusan, this is a 10-part series including cross-racial learning as well as affinity spaces (white and POC led). This package includes 5 affinity space sessions and 5 all-group learning sessions carried out over a few months virtually. Total engagement is 10-hours.

Reimagining Whiteness is a weekly group (5 weeks) for white people to better understand our own racial identity, the evolution of whiteness, and to examine the roots and costs of racism. We will be wrestling with how to tackle the reality of racism while working towards a healthy and more fully human identity. These workshops will also offer practice engaging in difficult conversations in order to move past fear, guilt, and shame and into action, and courage. This group can also encompass gender and intersectionality and is often co-facilitated with Ryan Virden.